Josch´s Webpage        or, to be more exact:

The Web Page  of
Joachim Schuster

Content:         deutsch/englisch


About me


My “OASEn”

Old Paintings

Latest Paintings



These are some of my latest paintings. Not so many as I have usually painted. I am too busy and all walls are full already since Gundi is doing awfully good and big paintings. So look at my sculptures in "My OASEn" and "Photos", when you want to see, where I am going - but also look at Gundi's pages!!

Acryl on hard fiber, 40X60

Acryl on hard fiber, 60x60

Acryl on hard fiber, 80x120

Plaster on hard fiber, 40x40

Acryl on hard fiber,

Acryl on hard fiber, 30x45

Plaster on chipboard, 50x50

Acryl on hard fiber, 80x120

Airbrush on hard fiber, 50x65